Whether you drive to work, school or just the store, automobile insurance is a must for anyone who gets behind the wheel. Dunlap-DuPont & O’Donnell Insurance Agency knows driving is one of the biggest liability exposures you face on a daily basis.
Whether you believe you are a safe driver or not, it is important that you protect yourself and your car against the dangers of the road. It is impossible to foresee what other drivers will do next and which ones are properly covered.
Automobile insurance covers the ownership, use and operation of an automobile. We also offer standard car insurance for your antique and collectible cars.
Automobile Coverage includes:
- Liability for damages and injuries caused to other drivers
- Damage to the automobile
- Injuries to occupants
What you need for an accurate quote:
In order to get an accurate quote, please have the following information for all drivers living in the household:
- Social Security number
- Date of birth
- Number of accidents and/or tickets
- The year, make and model of your car
- Number of miles you drive to work
- Auto-home credit
- Good Student
- Multi-car
- Multi-policy
- Driver training courses
- Defensive driver training
- Loyalty credit
- Prior carrier
- Anti-lock brake system
- Active/passive disabling
- Being away at school without a car